Be Empowered ~ Part I

I believe in paying it forward. As I shared on my previous post, I’m just trying to live the life I’ve dreamed of having and more importantly, the one God says I can have! Even though God is all powerful & all knowing, we still need our human connections. Let me tell you, it has not been a solo effort for me. I’m energized by the love and support of my family. I’ve been encouraged and inspired by some great people.  Lately, I've been reading Lisa Nichols' work. She's been called the “transformation specialist."

Each Sunday this month, I’ll be sharing words of wisdom and exercises from Ms. Nichols. If you're not familiar with her, she’s one of the co-authors of Chicken Soup for the Soul. Look her up when you have a moment. 

We'll begin with self-evaluation and move towards planning our breakthrough. I’m hoping someone will find something helpful as we dive into these exercises together. Being empowered has led to whole different level of happiness in my life. My prayer is that you will or already feel empowered to live the life predestined for you. 

Part I: Recognize Where You Are ~~ Rate Yourself

Recognizing where you are means thinking about every area of your life and honestly determining which energize you and which drain you. If any area drains you, then it needs your attention. Ms. Nichols then suggests rating the “seven environments:” relationships, finances, connection to nature, professional network, physical environment, health and spirituality. Using a scale from 1 (it’s unbearable) to 5 (you love it) rate how you feel in each environment.

One or two indicates breakdown. A three means you’re more or less tolerating your position in that environment. A four or five rating means you’re obviously on target and happy in that area.

Reference: Essence Magazine, June 2013, Own Your Power series with Lisa Nichols

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