Introducing...Tracy Kauffman
Meet Tracy Kauffman, a Christian Fiction author who enjoys writing books for children and young adults, but she shares a little poetry with us as well.
Contentment brings to us happiness. I am a Christian author and I have learned that only contentment brings to us complete happiness. "For I have learned in whatsoever state that I am in, to be content", Philippians 4:11. The meaning of content is to be in a state of happiness or satisfaction. To be content is to accept your life as adequate, not wanting something more. It means to have your heart full. Not seeking after the desires of the world, such as riches. When you have contentment, you have peace. You don't worry about things that others are worrying about. You are seeking after things above, such as God and his acceptance, not the world's thoughts of acceptance. "When a man's ways please the Lord, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him", Proverbs 16:7. God wants us to seek after him and his righteousness and he says, "That all things will be added to you." He will give you your hearts desires and therefore you will be content in your life, and be happy. Rejoice, for God has given you life that you may enjoy all things.
Contentment is Great Gain
by Tracy Kauffman
Contentment is great gain,
When happiness is present.
No sorrow, crying or pain,
Just joy, pleasure and peace.
It comes from doing God's will,
Not seeking after fame.
Satisfaction is what you feel,
Deep inside your heart.
Nothing is a greater reward,
Than having contentment,
And living in one accord,
With others that are around.
Happiness is what you feel each day,
No worries for tomorrow,
For God hears us when we pray,
Taking care of our needs today.
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Tracy your words are uplifting and speak to the ultimate message I'm trying to share. If my blog had a conclusion, a final chapter, your post would be a part of it! However, life has taught me that so many things happen before we get to a point of contentment and to the realization that God has given us life TO ENJOY all things.
ReplyDeleteI released my book After the Sixth Day because I finally understood what this verse means: For I have learned in whatsoever state that I am in, to be content. Philippians 4:11 Thanks for sharing! Every step of the journey is significant and leads you closer to contentment (to borrow your word :-) ). I appreciate your being my guest!
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