Enjoying The Journey
Good morning! Well I woke up to a cold crisp day! Loving this
weather! When I rolled my garbage can out to the street, I noticed
trashed in the street in front of my house. So, I picked up the trash,
got my morning paper, and looked up and there was my house.
You're thinking "ooookay, it wasn't like it was going to move. You knew it was there." But I really looked at it and you see it on TV but it happened to me. As I stood there, my life journey to that moment just flashed through my mind. I was reminded of all that God has brought me through. Thinking of how His grace, favor, mercy, and love have kept me through the years. Oh and I can't forget His peace! There is nothing in this world like peace of mind!! Wouldn't you agree? :-)
Standing there as the cold wind blew all around me, I was happy. Happy and grateful that I've had the opportunity to be a homeowner, to see a dream realized, and to have my family and friends enjoy my home. You know I've learned that happiness is attached to something deeper and not to material things. Being connected to the Creator and knowing that you are connected to all of creation is happiness--for me.
Everyday I nourish and work on that connection because it is my lifeline. :-) Now I don't feel happy everyday. Nevertheless, my desire is to have more good days than bad. As simple as it sounds, it took me 30+ years to finally truly understand this quote and I invite you to begin to embrace it [if you haven't already ;-)]:
Peace & Blessings always
You're thinking "ooookay, it wasn't like it was going to move. You knew it was there." But I really looked at it and you see it on TV but it happened to me. As I stood there, my life journey to that moment just flashed through my mind. I was reminded of all that God has brought me through. Thinking of how His grace, favor, mercy, and love have kept me through the years. Oh and I can't forget His peace! There is nothing in this world like peace of mind!! Wouldn't you agree? :-)
Standing there as the cold wind blew all around me, I was happy. Happy and grateful that I've had the opportunity to be a homeowner, to see a dream realized, and to have my family and friends enjoy my home. You know I've learned that happiness is attached to something deeper and not to material things. Being connected to the Creator and knowing that you are connected to all of creation is happiness--for me.
Everyday I nourish and work on that connection because it is my lifeline. :-) Now I don't feel happy everyday. Nevertheless, my desire is to have more good days than bad. As simple as it sounds, it took me 30+ years to finally truly understand this quote and I invite you to begin to embrace it [if you haven't already ;-)]:
is a journey, not a destination; happiness is to be found along the way not at
the end of the road, for then the journey is over and it's too late. The time
for happiness is today not tomorrow." ~ Paul H Dunn
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