The Unexpected
First of all, let me say welcome and thank you so much to
everyone who follows/subscribes to my blog! It means a lot to me to have you
here, and I truly welcome your input.
My vision is that this blog will continue to be a safe and
inviting place to discuss the different ways we embrace happiness (or insert your
label of choice). Yet, it's vital to
be realistic and open about what blocks or limits our pursuit for a
better quality of life—a healthier state of being.
Only through free expression can we truly discover, examine and define our truth. At least that’s what I believe. So let’s have some free
expression going on here! :-) I meditated on it and realized I'm writing TO you. What I desire is that we write together! Therefore, for my next series of posts, I’ll
share a thought, idea, or prompt to stir up some conversation, and we’ll dialogue in the comments section. Sound good? :-)
For my blogger pals, if you’re inspired to
blog as a response, please link back to this post. We'd love to read it. You could also share a brief
snippet and the link to your blog as a comment below. Okay, here’s the first one:
The one source of happiness that I never expected in life
is____________________. It took me completely by surprise!
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