May The Fourth: The Journey Continues

First of all, I'm grateful for the gift of writing from my Heavenly Father. I'm beyond grateful that during those speechless moments, both in my life and the lives of those around me, Holy Spirit was there to whisper a narrative. Those narratives are captured in After the Sixth Day: Notes from a Spiritual Journey and Pain is Fertile Ground.

One morning recently, I woke up with another narrative playing in my head. It was the answer to these questions:  Why do we experience so much pain? Why do we consciously make decisions that are harmful to our bodies, minds, spirits and souls? The answer: Because we don't know the truth of God's word! The Bible has something to say about everything! I didn't know this until I began studying the Bible for myself.

Today, I want to introduce to you an upcoming series from the PoliteJourney vault. A series not from someone claiming to be a spiritual teacher nor someone called to a particular spiritual position but a series from someone who is just wanting to share God's truth to inspire deliverance. Deliverance into the life predestined for you from the beginning of time!

I was in a dark and confused place more than once in several areas of my life. God's word was my light. His truths destroyed the lies. I began speaking His word over my life, and I haven't been the same since! I want everyone to have this experience, because it is available to YOU!

May the Fourth announcement of new series by Trinka Polite

On this fourth day of May 2016, I present Spiritual Journey Devotionals. Each volume covers themes revealed in Pain is Fertile Ground and will contain 14 days of scripture, declarations and prayers to feed your soul. I'm delighted to share this new series with you and please connect to stay up-to-date on the release and other information.

May the Fourth announcement of new series by Trinka PoliteOh, if  you could help me out, which cover do you like? Feel free to comment with suggestions. After all, it will be YOUR book.  Thank you!
May the Fourth announcement of new series by Trinka PoliteMay the Fourth announcement of new series by Trinka Polite


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