Foodie Friday: It's the Great Recipe Swap, Charlie Brown!

Online bulletin boards--what a concept! Pinterest has provided the world with a way to curate our dreams, share our passions, and explore new frontiers...of fashion, home decor and (the reigning Pinterest interest) <--see what I did there?) FOOD!  If you're like me (and a host of others), your foodie board has more pins, likes and repins than any other board?  Am I right? 

Here on Feasting on the Divine our mission is to promote a healthy relationship with food to maintain (or develop --depending where you are on your journey) a fit body!  Now I follow this immediately with a confession: Not all of the recipes I pin are healthy perse, but they are all divine! *hehehe*
Share Pinterest foodie or recipe board on Feasting on the Divine blog with Trinka Polite

With that said, let's share our Pinterest foodie or recipe boards! I love finding great pinners to follow! Here's mine and please please share a link to your board in the comments: 

Follow Trinka Polite's board Foodie Alert on Pinterest.

Trinka Polite Signature on Feasting on the Divine blog

All-time favorite Pinterest recipe? Share in comments. Thanks!

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*Charlie Brown is a registered trademark of Iconix Brand Group and the Schulz family. Today is the character's birthday. Happy Birthday, Charlie Brown!*


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