Love Notes from God: A New Series

What’s one of the most difficult emotions for you to grasp, understand, and fully comprehend?  My answer? For years, it was love. I’m being open and transparent with you today.  When the enemy sees an opening, he leaps in. He’ll attack your mind, vision and hearing causing your understanding of the world to be filtered through lies.  If the number one trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist, number two is convincing children of God that they are orphans--created and delivered into this world with no attachment to Heaven. Making us believe our job is to work ourselves into God’s good graces to make Him love us and bless us!  Now that’s cray!! < for the young people

I took a spiritual growth course on healing soul wounds in May 2014 for two reasons. One, I wanted to be delivered from all issues, thoughts and behaviors rooted in my soul which were not pleasing to God or beneficial to serve the kingdom of God. Two, I wanted to know my earthly assignment from my Heavenly Father. Here’s an entry in my prayer journal from May 20, 2014:

You will operate in your gifts so that you will testify to the world that my love is not like the world’s love!

At first, I was like Moses when God called him. (“Umm God I’m Moses. I’m not the one for this assignment. Please send someone else. Lol*definitely paraphrasing here.*) It took a few days to take in what happened during prayer, and slowly, I came to a place of acceptance. Then, I boldly prayed “God I trust You to provide what is needed.”  Shortly after, I checked my email and found this message:

Hey, T!
I'm cleaning out my computer and found these declarations about LOVE from Kenneth Copeland. I pray this blesses you.
P.S. It's in Google Drive because of the size. I hope that's not a problem. 

Yeah THAT happened! Heavenly Father sent me a prepared list of love scriptures through my dear friend. Once again, Jeremiah 33:3 is a living word! 

So why am I just sharing them now in a more purposeful and intentional way?  Simple. I’m a work-in-progress who delayed being obedient and realized deliverance is ongoing. Remember earlier I said deliverance from ALL things?  (You know I almost typed “partially obedient,” but partial obedience is still complete disobedience to God’s instructions.) Yes, I’ve been sharing the message of God's love and even a few of the scriptures on the list here and there. But, starting this week, I’m going to share Love Notes from God with you each Tuesday--God-breathed scriptures on love.

New blog post on Feasting on the Divine by Trinka Polite
Photo Source

My prayer is that you are awakened to the unconditional and life-changing love of God. May the enemy’s whispers be quieted and God’s voice plays loudly in your heart, mind and soul. Amen!


  1. Great post. You do well at making the most of your blog, and I can learn from you.

    It seems like that course was more than only a year ago, but I guess not. Time flies when you're getting delivered.

    1. Time really does fly but in a wonderful way--spiritual acceleration! :-) Thank you for the comment! I'm always searching for ways to blog better. Be blessed!


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