Just a touch away

Hi everyone! It's been a little while since my last post, but I promise you I've been busy. :-) I completed my first book! Yay! Thank God! I'm now waiting to receive my proof copy. Approve it and let the printing begin! It will be sold through my website politejourney.com and LuLu.  So check back for the official release date.

Now on to the topic that's been on my mind--touch.  I was reading an article in Good Housekeeping on the health benefits of touch. Has technology transformed touch into a rare occurrence? Are we so distant now because of social media and cell phones? Yes I am plugged in to the social media platforms such as the one I'm on now and others.  However, my true nature is to be hands-on.  I'm that person that may slap you on the arm when we're laughing. :-)

I'm blessed very blessed that I come from a family of "touchers." We greet and leave each other with hugs and kisses. My Mother will still hold our hand when she's talking to us. She's also known to spontaneously and gently rub our backs or our hair just because she loves us. And it's nice and calming and for that brief space in time, we're just her children--not parent, sibling, employee, husband, wife etc... Just happy to be right there feeling all that love!

Do me a favor please. For the next two days (more would be better), hug someone you love or someone that you think needs a hug. When watching TV or riding in the car with your spouse or significant other, reach over and hold his or her hand. Put touch back into your life...I'm sure it'll make someone happy! ;-)


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